Our Products

Scheduled messaging services for clients in multiple domains

  • Custom Message Delivery Platform

    We'll work with you to design a message delivery platform customized to your needs. Include polling, message scheduling, alert messages, and more. Perfect for businesses, advocacy groups and researchers.

  • TextMyQuit (TMQ)

    TMQ is an interactive, research-based smoking cessation tool proven to significantly improve outcomes through daily text messaging. TMQ was developed in partnership with researchers with the Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine at the Miriam Hospital/Brown University in Rhode Island.

  • CourtText

    CourtText provides drug courts and other treatment courts with an interactive tool to improve program compliance by connecting participants with text-based support when they need it most. CourtText was developed in partnership with the National Development and Research Institute in New York.

  • Daily Inspiration

    We believe that doing positive actions, no matter how small, help us live more healthy, productive lives. Daily Inspiration sends you daily text messages from some of the most inspiring authors/thinkers of our time including His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

Text My Quit

TMQ is an interactive text-based program designed to help people like you quit smoking. The program was created with funding from the National Institute of Health and in partnership with The Miriam Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island.

We are currently running a research study that will test whether TMQ is effective for helping people quit smoking, which aspects are most effective and what types of smokers benefit.


Add text messaging or chatbots to your research study

Live Inspired has powered SMS content for numerous behavioral health research studies.


We partnered with the Brooklyn Treatment Court and the National Development and Research Institute to develop a program specifically to help drug courts maintain positive communication with their clients. When participants graduated from phase 1 to phase 2 they were signed up for the program. Twice a day they received text messages to help keep them focused on their recovery. Each message was signed with the judge’s initials. The participants loved it!

CourtText can be configured to fit your needs and includes polling, mobile opt-in, detailed reporting and custom messaging

What the clients had to say...

"I found them very helpful. In the morning time, my phone would go off and it’d be something to lift me up and I can go back to each one of them and read them all. Today, I still read ‘em, you know if I’m on a train or whatever, so you know, it was very helpful." - Female, 35

"It’s just a nice little reminder of where and why I’m getting them." - Male 22

"It’s cute, I like it. It shows that she’s there… she’s out there to help you and if she didn’t want to help you, she wouldn’t inspire you to do good." - Female, 21

Daily Inspiration

We once walked 100 miles across Indiana to meet the Dalai Lama and ask for a partnership to send his teachings to the world via text message. He agreed, and our Daily Inspiration platform was born.

The Founders with the Dalai Lama
The Founders with the Dalai Lama


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ILiveInspired - Changing the world one text at a time

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    Washington, DC 20002
